The Canal du Midi snakes among the vineyards in Greater Carcassonne, crossing our characteristic villages all the way to Carcassonne itself.  A natural interlude, ideal for enjoying a restaurant or a waterside picnic, a hike, a bike ride or a boat trip...

1. The port of Trèbes for a meal in a restaurant and a stroll to buy local products...

From the tourist office, discover the beautiful heritage along the Canal du Midi. A 15-minute walk along the canal to the north, leaving the historical centre on your left, will take you to the aqueduct bridge built by the great Vauban in the 17th century, as well as the Rode bridge. Another structure not to be missed, 500 metres along the towpath in the other direction: the triple lock with its monumental staircase that rises 7 metres.


Trèbes, an ideal starting point for a cycle ride towards Carcassonne (13km) or Marseillette (10km):

2. Puichéric for its unusual lock, on the edge of the dried-up lake in Marseillette

Aiguille lock is surely the most unique on the Canal du Midi. Here, wooden sculptures and other little characters, the fruit of the creative imagination of the lock keeper, await you: an elephant, a sculpture of Georges Brassens, bikes, and more.

Aiguille lock and sculptures by Joel Barthes

From here, discover Marseillette's lake, a timeless place where apple trees, vines and rice grows!

3. Carcassonne, for a boat trip or even to sleep on a barge

At Carcassonne's port, take a boat trip with a 2-hour guided commentary either towards the historic city or towards the countryside near Carcassonne.
To the west of Carcassonne, the pond between the Lalande double lock and the Herminis lock offers a very pleasant walk.


4. La Redorte, to hike to the Argent Double spillway
and Homps for its wine house & and Jouarres Lake

30 minutes to the east of Carcassonne in Minervois, discover the Argent Double spillway, a stone bridge allowing the excess water from the canal to be drained through its arches into the river.


A pause is essential in Homps, in one of the many restaurants on the banks of the canal, before shopping at the Maison des Vins du Minervois. Swimming or walking is possible in the beautiful setting at the Jouarres Lake, a 10-minute walk away.

5. Villesèquelande for a picnic near the bridge and for an unusual sight

The Pont du Canal is located less than 500m from the village of Villesèquelande and 10 minutes from Carcassonne.
Here, admire the Sully Elm tree on the church square, which is one of the rare elms in France (planted during Henry IV's reign)

Le Canal du Midi à Carcassonne et sa région

The canal du Midi

The other listed site in Carcassonne One thing you can do in Carcassonne, is visit



The charm of the canal du Midi Trèbes, 5 minutes to the east of Carcassonne,